Environmental Statements
Palmer Timber has been at the forefront in promoting responsible forest management and, to that end, has held FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council) Chain of Custody since 1999.
In 2004 we added Chain of Custody for PEFC™ (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) and in accordance with the PEFC chain of custody standard we are committed to implementing and maintaining the requirements for the said standard.
As a result, 95% of our softwood stock and 60% of our panel product stock is now certified under these schemes.
You can download our certificates by clicking on these links.
You can also view our policy for the association of our organization with FSC here
The environmental policy is based on two funding principles:
Forests, forest functions and products, including wood, contribute to human well-being worldwide.
Every country, including the UK, must value its forests and strive for equality in access to the benefits
which forests provide.
The ultimate responsibility for forest policy lies with the sovereign Government and people of forested
countries. They have the task of balancing environmental, economic, social and political needs.
Nevertheless, this organisation believes that the UK timber industry has a responsibility to its customers,
suppliers and staff to base its commercial activities on properly managed forests.
1. Supports National and International efforts focused on achieving the fastest possible progress towards
environmentally and socially sound forest management worldwide, in line with the statement of forest
Principles adopted by the United Nations Conference on Environmental & Development (UNCED)
2. Will encourage and support suppliers of wood products who adopt the appropriate environmental
polices and standards within their own national context, relevant to their position within the wood
3. Encourages the use of wood as an environmentally beneficial material and is constantly seeking out
new ways to reduce wood waste and to utilise residues.
4. Will seek to obtain clear information about the sources of all wood products and that all supplies
conform to government regulations and environmental policies in their own National and Regional
5. Will support the introduction of effective system to substantiate that the relevant National Regulatory
Authorities are working towards internationally acceptable standards, so that customers may be assured
of the soundness of forest management and forest managers may receive the benefits of responsible
management practices.
6. Will not use labels or certificates which include claims of sustainable forest management, unless
supported by the respective government authority.
7. For the purpose of the controlled wood category within the company’s FSC manual, the company will
not source timber from
a. wood harvested from forest areas where traditional or civil rights are violated
b. wood harvested from non FSC-certified forest areas having high conservation values which are
c. illegally harvested wood
d. wood harvested from genetically modified trees
e. natural forest that has been converted to plantations or non-forest use.
8. Will adher to the UK Timber Regulations (UKTR)
Date of issue: 1st January 2012 Latest Revision January 2021
*This policy will be reviewed periodically